Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 can soup

So, yesterday, I decided that because it was getting cold (it's Autumn here in Australia, and this particular town gets snow from late Autumn through to late Spring).
I googled for a soup recipe (I also have a pumpkin soup cooking), and came across seven can soup.  I decided to change it slightly, and am making a five can soup.

  • 1 can butter beans
  • 1 can tomatoes (whole)
  • 3 cans of soup
  1. Pour each of the soup cans into the slow cooker.
  2. Pour in the tomato soup.
  3. Rinse the butter beans, and refill the can with water. Pour in to the slow cooker.
Cook on low for several hours. After 3 hours, taste for seasoning. If it is too salty, add in some halved, new potatoes.

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