- Slice one large onion finely
- Slice 1 kg mushrooms thinly
- Slice 500g beef thinly
- Combine 2 tabs sugar with 1 tab mustard powder. Mix with just enough water to make into thick paste
Add sliced beef. Stir this around until all is browned on the outside.
Cook down until almost no liquid remains.
Add sliced mushrooms.
Cook down until almost no liquid remains.
Add mustard and sugar paste.
Cook down until almost no liquid remains. (It should now be a dark, thick, sticky brown goop coating the meat, onions and mushrooms)
Slowly add 500 mL sour cream. (Add it 1 tablespoon at a time, or it will curdle)
Stir through 5(ish) cups of cooked pasta (1 cup when uncooked. DO NOT add uncooked pasta to this. Please cook that one cup uncooked pasta first)
Serve with warm crusty bread, and freshly blanched snow peas .